
General Assembly

A meeting of the General Assembly shall be held concurrently with the Conference and called by the Chairperson.
The General Assembly shall consist of all the Member Cities of the League. A non-Member City, which is participating in the Conference and wishes to join the League, may send a representative to the meeting of the General Assembly as an observer.
The General Assembly shall perform the following functions; to amend the Covenant of the League; to elect the principal officers of the League; and to take steps necessary to implement the League's projects.

The Principal Officers and the Board of Directors

The League has the following principal officers; a Chairperson; two Vice-Chairpersons; seven Directors, two of whom shall be the Vice-Chairpersons; and an Auditor.
The principal officers are elected from among the the Member Cities by the General Assembly, and theirs' tenure of office shall be from the day of their election to the day of the General Assembly meeting to be held four years later, at which the successors to the posts are elected.
The principal officers are constituent members of the Board of Directors and shall be called by the Chairperson as the occasion demands.
The members of the Board of Directors of the LHC are as follows since September 2018:


The City of Kyoto is responsible for the secretariat of the League of Historical Cities.

The League of Historical Cities Secretariat

International and Multicultural Affairs Office, City of Kyoto
Teramachi-Oike, Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto City, Japan 604-8571

Tel +81-75-222-3072
Fax +81-75-222-3055
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